Will AI replace UX, the Vignelli Canon, advice for junior designers

Will AI replace UX, the Vignelli Canon, advice for junior designers

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“Answering trans people’s needs online can create a safer digital environment and lead to a more diverse workforce in Tech. Breaking news: design can help do it.”

Building inclusive products for trans people By Chiara Angori

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices, reaching over 500k+ designers every week.

Mario, but in 1 dimension only


  • Senior Product Designer @ Hygraph
    Hygraph is growing sustainably even in this uncertain market. We use design as our competitive advantage. Join us if you get excited by challenging problems and like to take ownership of your work.

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Make me think

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    “I know it’s popular these days to underscore just how biased and irrational we are, as human creatures. We may not conform to a model of perfect economic behavior, but neither are we puppets at the mercy of every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a billboard. We aren’t that easily manipulated.”
  • The real name fallacy
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  • The yard-sale model in economics
    “Why do super rich people exist in a society? Many of us assume it’s because some people make better financial decisions. But what if this isn’t true? What if the economy — our economy — is designed to create a few super rich people?”

Little gems this week

Have we lost the plot on designing delights? By Varun Murkar

Do not rely on only one app By Micheal Xing

The Vignelli Canon: a design classic from the last of the modernists
By David Hall

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Will AI replace UX, the Vignelli Canon, advice for junior designers was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.