Growth design, regenerative UX, office politics explained

Growth design, regenerative UX, office politics explained

Autopublished from RSS Original article

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Since their invention in 1997, user stories have become ubiquitous. The simple format of “as X, I want Y so that I can Z” has helped countless software teams stay focused on the value they provide for their customers.

In theory.

The truth is: As a user, I don’t want to use a product at all.

As a user, I don’t want to By Pavel Samsonov

How to work with developers as a UX designer (Free Live Workshop) [Sponsored] In this workshop, we’ll learn the tools, processes, and strategies to collaborate effectively with developers. If you’re a new designer or bootcamp grad, this workshop is the perfect way to get experience with this essential “on the job” skill for smooth developer hand-off. Can’t join live? Sign up anyway, and get all of the recordings, resources, and templates straight to your email within 24 hours.

PS: This live workshop is beginner-friendly, hands-on, and FREE for UX Collective subscribers ✌️

The UX Collective is celebrating its 15th anniversary as an independent design publication. Here’s a letter from our editors about what we’re not doing.

How design and dataviz can help shed light on global warming

Make me think

  • Why the world isn’t as bad as you think
    “News coverage is terrible at capturing the biggest good news stories: the long-term trends that show vast improvements in human living standards across long stretches of time. We need to fix that.”
  • The semiautomated social network is coming
    “It makes sense that LinkedIn would be the first major social network to push AI-generated content on its users. The Microsoft-owned company is weird. It’s corporate. It’s full of workfluencer posts and engagement bait that ranges in tone from management consultant bland to cheerfully psychotic. Happily, this is the same emotional spectrum on which AI tends to operate.”

Little gems this week

Office politics explained: why don’t your colleagues approve your mockups? By Bas Wallet

Visualizing direction and the use of arrows By Joseph Mackereth

Minimalism in UX: the blessing of no choices
By Dimitris Chatzilias

Tools and resources

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Growth design, regenerative UX, office politics explained was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.