Fractal creativity, Figma spinner, beyond UX deliverables, Framer tips

Fractal creativity, Figma spinner, beyond UX deliverables, Framer tips

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“Most companies build their product strategies reactively. They focus on ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ of what competitive companies are doing. And even more often, companies jump from potential revenue opportunity to potential revenue opportunity, without much deeper conviction in the opportunities value aside from the potential revenue it could bring.”

What is the antidote to a reactive product strategy? By Jessica Tenuta

The UX Collective is an independent ad-free design publication that elevates unheard design voices, reaching over 500k+ designers every week. Follow us on Linkedin.

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Make me think

  • How to do less
    “This isn’t a sustainable way to work, but you feel pulled to sacrifice in the short term, and do more of the same things you’re already doing. That uncertainty you feel about the future? That’s a series of impending failures.”
  • What if imposter syndrome is a feature not a bug?
    “But then I realised it was my Imposter Syndrome that was driving me to be better, it’s questioning of me is what drove me to be better. And what if imposter syndrome is what makes great people do the amazing things that do?”
  • The high cost of IKEA furniture
    “Since 2007, Romania has lost between half and two-thirds of its virgin forest. The environmentalists and activists trying to protect it keep getting killed. The biggest private landowner in Romania just happens to be the world’s single-largest consumer of wood: IKEA.”

Little gems this week

Embracing the design squiggle By Chris J Richardson, PhD

The art of collecting and the joys of buying By Cassandra Tang

How does the Roomba really feel about dog poop?!
By Chris Butler

Tools and resources

We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive. Feel free to forward this to your friends.

Fractal creativity, Figma spinner, beyond UX deliverables, Framer tips was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.